REVIEW - We Choose Virtues with COUPON CODE

Try explaining diligence to a 5 year old. It will drive you insane. Right around the time I was trying to instill this value into my son, I came across a company called We Choose Virtues. We Choose Virtues is a company created by a preschool teacher who was getting frustrated with how often she came across children with a lack of self-control, obedience and other qualities that are needed to have good character. Their company now produces several different products that can help teach these essential qualities to young children. You can visit their site and peruse the many bundles and single products available. These products are not just for homeschooling families! All moms and dads can benefit from their system. 

When I became more and more interested in the products, I contacted Heather McMillan, the founder of the company, and asked if she would be willing to give me some of their products for a review on my blogs. She graciously sent me the Family Bundle which you can see HERE. The family bundle comes with everything pictured above which includes:

Kids Virtue Poster
Three Rules Poster
12 Parenting Cards
12 Virtue Flash Cards
PDF Version of the Lesson Plan
PDF Version of the Butterfly Awards
PDF Version of the Family Character Assessment
PDF Version of the Kids of Virtueville Coloring Pages

The PDFs are nice because you can print off as many copies of something you like. 

The printable lesson plan breaks down the virtues into easy to follow daily activities. You can pretty much arrange them in a way that works around your schedule. Their suggestion is that you spend 10-15 minutes per day working on the virtues. The lesson plan is broken down into 5 days, which you repeat every week, or however often you decide to teach it. One thing I love is that you can either follow their lesson plan to the letter or make up something on your own. I've noticed among homeschooling parents that most lean toward one direction or the other. 

The parenting cards are bright and well thought out. The front depicts a character with a virtue and then explains the virtue in a way that a small child will understand it. All the cards have a bible verse to reference the virtue on the bottom. The products come with 3 choices -NIrV (easy for kids to understand), KJV (for the purest) and secular (no bible verse.) The reverse contains more detail along with a little story and different scenarios to play. 

There is also a set of flashcards with several suggestions for different kinds of games. One is to put the cards face up (only showing the virtue) and say a keyword or phrase for that virtue then having the child (or children) see how fast they can pick them out. Jack (my 5 yo) is ridiculously competitive so anything like that is right up his alley. Its always fun to get the whole family involved!

The only thing I did not get in the package that I would love to have are the songs. My kids are quick to learn things when they are given songs so I know that would be a great resource. The company right now is in the process of creating a sing along album. I know that will be great! There is also a download you can buy with copy work in either print or cursive. I can see that being something I would get to use in the future. 

The only thing I would have liked were more stories. I'm not a creative person so its hard for me to make up different stories once the ones on the cards got monotonous. Maybe even one story highlighting all the virtue characters.

This is an excellent resource for any family. The Family Kit I was sent pretty much contained all the basics you would need to get going. And guess what?!?! Heather was nice enough to give all my readers a coupon code for 25% off your order!! Use the code "HAPPYKIDS25" at We Choose Virtues

Thanks for visiting! Feel free to comment with any questions or feedback on your experience with We Choose Virtues.


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