
Showing posts from August, 2016

Our Homeschool Curriculum This Year

(Disclaimer: Post contains affiliate links.) We are far from formal when it comes to homeschooling. In the state of GA, the regulations are extremely loose. All that is legally required is a Letter Of Intent when the child is 6 years old. My oldest homeschooler is 5 so we are still under the radar. Check out your local homeschooling rules for your state HERE . That being said, I think some structure and discipline is necessary for little ones. Certainly not to stay in a desk for 5-6 hours a day but knowing that certain things need to be completed by a deadline is a good skill to acquire.  Our year will consist of: Reading - Teach You Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons Math - Life Of Fred Apples Life Skills - We Choose Virtues  (Check out my review with COUPON CODE!!) Writing - Explode The Code: Get Ready, Set, Go For The Code (I haven't bought the other 2 books in the series yet but I plan to.) I also get a TON of free printable online from Measured Mom and...

REVIEW - We Choose Virtues with COUPON CODE

Try explaining diligence to a 5 year old. It will drive you insane. Right around the time I was trying to instill this value into my son, I came across a company called We Choose Virtues. We Choose Virtues is a company created by a preschool teacher who was getting frustrated with how often she came across children with a lack of self-control, obedience and other qualities that are needed to have good character. Their company now produces several different products that can help teach these essential qualities to young children. You can visit their site and peruse the many bundles and single products available. These products are not just for homeschooling families! All moms and dads can benefit from their system.  When I became more and more interested in the products, I contacted Heather McMillan, the founder of the company, and asked if she would be willing to give me some of their products for a review on my blogs. She graciously sent me the Family ...