Morning Mommy Time
There are so many benefits to being an early riser. I have a friend who gets up at 5am - has breakfast with her husband, has bible time, works out and cleans her house - all before her kids even get up. That's one extreme. The other extreme is waking up to the sound of your kids turning on the TV in the living room or coming in and jumping on your bed. I fall somewhere in the middle and you can be so much happier with your day if you can avoid being the last one.
I don't know about you but I'm not ready to be at someone else's beck and call first thing in the morning. I need to get the fuzz off. Have my quiet bible time, plan out my day, make sure everything is lined up for dinner, work on my blog, and (if time allows) workout. I have to admit that last one isn't the highest on my priority list, although it should be. Being dressed and ready for your day before the kids get up makes the morning go so much smoother! I'm done so I don't have to worry about me anymore, I can focus on meeting the needs of my littles.
Right now my wake up is around 7:00 and the kids usually get up around 8:30. We live in a small house so doing any loud cleaning or laundry isn't an option but the quiet can be so stimulating. I can have my quiet time with God and feel like I've started out my day without chaos, and that's what makes the rest of the day float by. I can get out the door for appointments so much easier when I don't have to rush.
Because I love you all, I created a FREE printable that you can use to streamline your morning. You can download it HERE
What could you accomplish if you had a couple hours to yourself in the morning? Where do you fall right now on the wake up scale and how would you like to improve it?
I don't know about you but I'm not ready to be at someone else's beck and call first thing in the morning. I need to get the fuzz off. Have my quiet bible time, plan out my day, make sure everything is lined up for dinner, work on my blog, and (if time allows) workout. I have to admit that last one isn't the highest on my priority list, although it should be. Being dressed and ready for your day before the kids get up makes the morning go so much smoother! I'm done so I don't have to worry about me anymore, I can focus on meeting the needs of my littles.
Right now my wake up is around 7:00 and the kids usually get up around 8:30. We live in a small house so doing any loud cleaning or laundry isn't an option but the quiet can be so stimulating. I can have my quiet time with God and feel like I've started out my day without chaos, and that's what makes the rest of the day float by. I can get out the door for appointments so much easier when I don't have to rush.
Because I love you all, I created a FREE printable that you can use to streamline your morning. You can download it HERE
What could you accomplish if you had a couple hours to yourself in the morning? Where do you fall right now on the wake up scale and how would you like to improve it?
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