
Showing posts from May, 2016

Get Your Bills Organized In A Single App

This is slightly unrelated to the general topic of this blog but I suppose in a way it really is. While biblically men are called to be heads of the households, the majority of wives handle the finances.  I wanted to share with you my absolute FAVORITE app! Its called Prism and has made my life so much easier. I can monitor and pay nearly ALL my bills from this app. So even if you pay online there's no hopping from one website to the other.  Once set up, everything can be done in a matter of seconds.  You can track your bank account balances, credit balances, available credit, and even log your paydays.  I can't tell you how much I love this thing. I'm not being paid to review this on my blog. Its just something I feel passionate about that I know can help you run your household.  Here's a link to their app -  PRISM I've had this app for years and have never once had an issue with something not getting paid or any type of violation ...

Morning Mommy Time

There are so many benefits to being an early riser. I have a friend who gets up at 5am - has breakfast with her husband, has bible time, works out and cleans her house - all before her kids even get up. That's one extreme. The other extreme is waking up to the sound of your kids turning on the TV in the living room or coming in and jumping on your bed. I fall somewhere in the middle and you can be so much happier with your day if you can avoid being the last one. I don't know about you but I'm not ready to be at someone else's beck and call first thing in the morning. I need to get the fuzz off. Have my quiet bible time, plan out my day, make sure everything is lined up for dinner, work on my blog, and (if time allows) workout. I have to admit that last one isn't the highest on my priority list, although it should be. Being dressed and ready for your day before the kids get up makes the morning go so much smoother! I'm done so I don't have to worry about...

Why Should God Give Me More?

I live in a single wide with my husband and 3 kids. Its cramped sometimes, there's very little storage, but I really have no issues with living in a mobile home. We plan to possibly build one day so its hard to decide to make improvements to where we are currently living. Its easy to let things go because we justify the fact that we aren't going to be living here much longer, even though the finances needed to build a home aren't on the radar.  Then I went over to my friend Sara's house. Her house is smaller than mine plus she has 1 additional kid. They've been talking about buying land and moving for a couple years and seem to be in the home stretch to create their dream home. When I walked in, she and her husband had just completely repainted their house. Trim and everything. I asked her why on earth they went through all that trouble when they weren't going to be there much longer. It wasn't as if the old paint was bad, it still looked very nice. Then s...

9 Helpful Tips To Go From Working Mom To Stay At Home Mom

The ideal for almost every mother is to be able to leave work and stay home with her children. As women we long for it every time we drop our little ones off at a sitter. Never knowing what we'll miss that was new that day. Many couples think its far beyond their reach to lose an entire income but, for most, its entirely possible. You have to be disciplined and willing to sacrifice but remember, you are only sacrificing the material goods. Here are a few helpful solutions to get you closer to your goal. 1 - Don't be in debt HUGE number 1. The only reason that I have to work, is to pay off all our "stupid debt." Then again all debt is stupid. A mortgage should be the only thing you owe any money on and if you can get rid of that, you're golden. If you want to stay home and are in debt, work your butt off to clear it out! A few months or so of craziness will have the greatest pay off. Like Dave Ramsey says, sell everything in the house so the kids are scared t...

My Favorite Household Product

I am beyond in love with laundry scent boosters. They have so many different uses in my home, and I don't even use them in the wash. There are several brands and scents on the market, I like to change it up all the time. You can get them on Amazon or in pretty much any store. Here's a link to Amazon, this one has a $3 coupon!! My favorite is to sprinkle about 1/2 a capful on my air conditioner filter. Mine lays flat so its not an issue but if you have one that has to be upright, just put some in an old pair of nylons or a coffee filter. They last about 1-2 weeks and instantly freshen your entire house every time the air kicks on. If you have someone coming over, just turn on the fan to push the smell through real quick.  You can also use them as a much cheaper version of the spray air fresheners. And better in my opinion. I mix about 1/2 a capful into a 16-18 oz spray bottle with hot water. Shake well and spray whatever fabric you like. It won'...