Debunking The Myth That Babies Are Expensive

The number one justification I hear from people about why they are waiting to have kids is that they can't afford it. Babies are no where near as expensive as you think they are. As long as you do it right. I have 2 kids and am pregnant with my third. The first 6 months of my kids' lives I guarantee I spent less than $50 a month on the baby. If that. My number one expense was diapers which I got on Amazon Mom. Their subscribe and save feature cannot be beat. I went through one box a month at about $28 a box - delivered to my door. Both my babies were breastfed, so there's another zero expense (aside from the massive amount of food I ate.) If you have to feed formula you are in a whole other financial ball park. That mess is EXPENSIVE! Babies were made to be breast fed and mommies were made to make milk. Most women quit breastfeeding because of stress and disappointment. The odds that your baby pops out and magically knows how to nurse are basically nonexistent. I...