
The Glutenous Facebooker

At least every week I have a friend who says their goodbyes on Facebook and deactivates their account for an undetermined amount of time. Usually they say a week but I find that their account is back up after a day or two.  The other day I woke up with the conviction to remove Facebook from my phone. I've tried to wean myself off this addiction before so I don't really know why it was so much more powerful this time. Perhaps God just got fed up with me spending more time liking my friends photos than studying His word. I think pretty much anything you can do around the house other than surfing Facebook would be more productive.  What I don't seem to understand is why we have to completely deactivate our accounts in order to break this addiction. Facebook would be perfectly fine if you just checked it once a day. So why on earth can't anyone seem to just do that? Finding out how many people liked your picture or your post is basically a drug. You get an actual hi...

An Actual, Legitimate Way To Save $$ On Amazon

I keep seeing all these clickbait videos and articles on how to save tons of money on Amazon and they are all garbage. They want you do download an app. One app actually wants all your credit card info so they can track your spending and see if you could save money. Yea right. Here's a new video I did on a crazy simple way to save tons shopping on Amazon like you always do. You don't even have to download anything. Well, you need the Amazon app but that's not my fault. Here's think link

Washing Our Clothes By Hand

I love hanging my clothes outside on the line. Well, let me clarify that. I like the amount of money I'm saving by not using the dryer. I hate crispy clothes. When I got to studying and asking people how to keep clothes soft on the line, the most popular answer was that too much soap left in the clothing is what made them stiff. Washing machines are just not good at getting out all the soap. So the kiddos and I decided to try washing out clothing by hand. I didn't want to get really financially invested in equipment so I'm just using what I have on hand. I've got a 5 gallon bucket to do the washing, a large Rubbermaid tub for rising and a clean, never used toilet plunger to agitate. I put very little soap in the bucket the first time and ended up with WAY too much suds. Now I use maybe a tablespoon of laundry soap and a splash of vinegar. One thing I hadn't counted on is how much the kids LOVE doing laundry this way. They love using the plunger to agitate the ...

Our Hospital Stay

Most of my friends and family know that my newborn and I were in the hospital for a couple weeks. Not because she was born at 35 weeks but because when we came home my 3 yo decided to give her RSV. RSV is nothing but a cold to children and adults but can be deadly to young babies. Especially my poor Emmie who was only 1 1/2 weeks old.  Friday, April 7th 2017, my husband and I were getting ready to go to sleep when I could hear Emmie struggling to breathe. I held her for a while and was pretty much convinced that I was going to be awake all night just staring at her to make sure she was still breathing. Over the course of about an hour she stopped breathing twice and turned blue. My husband insisted we take her to the emergency room. Emmie and I went to St Mary's around 2 am on the 8th. We were taken back immediately but it was 3 hours before I got to see the doctor. In the mean time, they hooked her up to a pulse ox and her oxygen was in the 80s. I've never had a baby hooked ...

The Disaster Fad

Its impossible to scroll through your Facebook feed without seeing a blog post about the pride of a messy kitchen. Moms stating that they just don't have the time to see to their children's needs, clean their homes and care for their husbands. And other moms are rejoicing in this chaos. We are being told its ok to have a sink full of dirty dishes, after all, we are just too busy to deal with such things. By all means, neglect your home for some "me time" and that nightly glass of wine. We are becoming the Disaster Generation.  Having a home that is a complete disaster is the new fad. Its hip to be messy and to complain about our spouses and children. How long does it really take to clean your kitchen? 15-20 minutes tops. How long have you been perusing Facebook or Pinterest while junior stays glued to his iPad? I'm guessing hours.  I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. Get off your butts, quit complaining and take care of your household! There will certai...

Burger In A Bowl - Instant Pot Recipe

I got an Instant Pot like many others when they were on sale for Black Friday. I am in love with this thing. There are a couple recipes I swear by and this is definitely a family favorite. My teenager named it Burger In A Bowl and that just stuck.  I'm not the greatest about measuring when I know a recipe so you'll have to bear with me in that aspect. Feel free to make this your own. Its basically mac and cheese with ground beef and all the fixings you would put on your favorite burger.  First, put the following items into your Instant Pot: 16 oz elbow macaroni 4 cups water 2 T butter salt Close up your Instant Pot and set to manual 4 minutes. Making sure the release valve is in the sealed position.  While that does it's thing, brown 1 lb ground beef and season how you like it. I usually just use a little garlic salt or seasoned salt. Once the mac and cheese is done be sure to let it NATURAL RELEASE for about 12-15 min. If you don't you will have a g...

2017 Home Management Binder

I meant to post this before the end of 2016 but it wasn't ready yet and goodness knows the chaos that follows Christmas. Every year I struggle to find a planner that works for me so this year I decided to make my own. Everything is made up of free printables from several different blogs. I really like the way it turned out and I hope it can be a good resource for you as well.  Let's start off with the binder itself. I simply ADORE office supplies so clearance after back to school is always my friend. I shop then anyway because we always start homeschooling after the local schools go back, which works out great. I got this binder for $1 and it came with 5 divider tabs and a snap pocket. I actually got 2 because they were such a great deal. One is my son's homeschool binder.  This front cover page is a cute printable I found called The Homemaker's Prayer . It's the only thing that's was paid so if you want to use something else for the cover you can.  Ne...